We've used Boneman Books as an affordable Print-on-demand printer for several years.
They have personal customer service, their prices are competitive, and their quality is very good.
Step by step:
The client gets an instant price quote and submits it with contact info
Boneman contacts either client or us with written quote, and details are discussed.
We upload completed designs for cover and text
Proofs are generally $10 each, plus shipping. Edited or re-worked files can be re-uploaded as many times as you wish, and new proofs ordered.
$10+ ea.
Once an author is satisfied, first-run printing can be scheduled for as many books as needed. Price on right is for: 6"x9", color cover, B&W interior, 250 pgs, 100 copies
$3.57 ea. ($357.50)
Re-order as needed. "Print On Demand"
Cost depends on amount of reprints ordered. (ie: 100 books, $3.57 ea.)