eNewsletters & Resources for writers

thumb AMA
thumb BlogLovin
thumb BostonReview
thumb Glimmer
thumb Medium
thumb TalkingWriting
thumb Verso
thumb WattPad
thumb AuthorsPublish
thumb Bookperk
thumb FreedomwWriting
thumb GoodReads
thumb HuffPoClickWriters
thumb LibraryThing
thumb LINBookWriter
thumb WOWH
thumb WriterlyPubChat
thumb ASK
thumb Milby
thumb SpokenWordKingston

Amherst Writers & Artists   Monthly updates about events and training, plus selected classifieds, calls for proposals, and more. (The site offers a tool for finding local AMA workshops all over the world, too.)




A polyglot posting community; the newsletter gives teasers and samples. Bloglovin' regularly features content about and for Bloggers, too.


Boston Review

A top-tier venue for poetry, the newsletter offers meaningful excerpts. A good way to sample first-rate new work, and leartn about submissions and events, too. They regularly offer inventive ways to get published.


Glimmer Train

A top-tier venue for writing. Unique small-sized hardcover editions, amazing and original writing, usually organized around themes. The newsletter is almost entirely calls for submissions. New and establisheed writers, but be advised: these folks expect highly polished finished works. "A" game only.



Arguably the most elegant and easy-to-read site design of any writing site. The newsletter emulates this spare interface, and provides meaningful amounts of text + images for each featured work—when you favorite writers and groups, a special digest comes (see capture) of those posts.

Join. (This, and Wattpad, are the hottest sites for writers right now.)


A unique writing community with attentive and demanding editors (Martha Nichols is a superb editor). These folks expect highly polished finished works. "A" game only.



Similar to Glimmer. Outstanding writing, intelligent minds. The newsletter itself has meaningful excerpts. These folks expect highly polished finished works. "A" game only.



Hot new community for writers, with dedicated apps for devices. Informative newsletter.

Sites & Services

Authors Publish

LOTS of links, some kinda iffy, but most are useful and a nice variety, too.



Ultra Cheap eBooks! $0.99-3.99

A daily tease of good books, new and older, too. Incredibly cheap.

Freedom with Writing

TONS of paying opportunities for writers at almost all levels. All over the map but lots of good things. The eNewsletter is a semi-daily sampler.



Be careful. This is the Godzilla of books sites, fro writers and readers, and there are hundredss of active groups with newsletters full of content.

Huff Post Writers


Before Goodreads, this was where you posted your libreary. Still an excellent site, and has a program for free advance copies in trade for reviews. A good newsleetter.

Linked-In Book Writers

Almost defines the exemplary newsletter. A serious networking tool for writers. An amazing site.

Writing Our Way Home

Mindful writing site and resources. Thoughtful and unique. Each newsletter is like a letter, too.


A post-publishing community, with resources and tools for authors with books. Solid newsletter, great resources.
Hudson Valley

ASK Playwright's Lab, Kingston, NY

A unique and invaluable resource, the Lab brings together actors and writers in a safe but necessarily critical setting to try out performance scripts. The newsletter reminds and updates, and describes upcoming Lab "performances". You must participate for a while before you can have a piece read by actors. Hey, that's fair.

I LOVED my experience here.

Email Karen Rich (Tell her Greg Correll says hey!).

Robert Milby, Hudson Valley

Robert is the venerable-yet-spry peerless poet-n-poetry-promoter for these parts (the Hudson Valley+). His newsletters keep you up-to-date about upcoming featered readers in over a dozen venues, and almost all of them are Open Mic opportunities.

He's also the Co-everything for CAPS, down in Beacon.


Spoken Word, Kingston, NY

Spoken Word is Annie LaBarge's longstanding Poetry Reading and Open Mic, in a beautiful setting; her newsletter keeps you up-to-date about the readings and occassionally notifies about special events you might not hear about elsewhere.


  7029 Hits

Advanced Site/Server Security

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Site and server security is one of our top priorities. We use Phil Taylor's tools to monitor and troubleshoot all of our sites, and Akeeba back-up component to assure systematic backups.

"Running Joomla sites without MyJoomla is INSANE. Bring back the sanity and get MyJoomla for your sites." —Business Phones


  11599 Hits

Responsive and Mobile Minded

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The new Joomla has a fully responsive layout and design built from the ground up, to ensure perfect presentation of your content, from the smallest mobile devices to the largest desktop displays. Plus: Work on your site from any device!

A site designed with responsive structure adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids flexible images and an extension of the @media rule, in the following ways:

  41045 Hits

Hosting & AMPs

Hosting and Annual Maintenance for sites, on our servers or yours.

  27653 Hits

How to Create Links in Articles and Modules


This tutorial will explain how to create and edit links from the text in one page (Article) to another page in your site.
(This is also the way to set links from modules on your pages.)

1. Link to a Menu page.

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How to Add and Format Images in Joomla Content

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This how-to will help you add images to your articles and give them a margin so that text wraps attarctively around them.

Step One:
Open the article you wish to place an image in.
Place your cursor in the text line where you want the image (be sure you see the cursor bar flashing).
Click on "Insert/Edit image" in the JCE editor.

  6057 Hits

About Joomla CMS

thumb OSTraining whatisJoomla
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Video tutorials from OSTraining to help you understand, learn and use Joomla.
OSTraining offers some free resources. If you like their training style, you can purchase other tutorials from them by going here.

A walkthrough and explanation of Joomla:

  8111 Hits

What Is Responsive Layout?

From RocketTheme.com (template creators):

A responsive design automatically adapts itself to a particular viewing environment such as desktop, tablet or mobile, without the need for separate layouts for varying platforms

  6253 Hits